CNN’s ‘African Voices’ meets Black Coffee, South African House DJ

It can move us to dance and sing, providing the soundtrack to our daily lives, defining our cultures and establishing our identities. Today, music makers in Africa are generating the beat of a continent and remixing their own unique sounds into the African music scene.

This week, CNN’s ‘African Voices’ meets rising star Black Coffee, a South African DJ whose name is garnering attention around the world. Black Coffee is famous in South Africa for his original style of ‘Afropolitan’ house beats, and is fast becoming one of the hottest EDM DJs in the world. Continue reading

Nude study by Lucia Fontano up for auction

Earlier this year an unsigned painting by Lucia Fontano, who in the sixties was one of the most well-known artists in Europe, was sold in Milan for R440 000. Now a signed painting of a nude study by the same artist, a work from the same series,  is up for auction in South Africa and is estimated to fetch around R300 000 to R400 000. How did such a painting get to be in South Africa? Continue reading

Corobrik Orchestra concert in Durban

Musicians and music-lovers in and around Durban, make a note to diarise Sunday, August 9. That’s the date for the Corobrick Orchestra concert in Durban. The British Cultural and Heritage Association (BCHA) has lined up an enticing programme of musical items to be performed by a massed ad hoc orchestra under the baton of maestro Richard Cock, always a major role-player on our national music scene. The annual event includes the participation of the Steel Drum Band and its affiliate group of Marimba Players. Continue reading